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What marketing collateral do I need to get approved?

Not all marketing materials need to be approved by University Communication and Marketing. You should submit your materials here if they use UNM Brand Style components, including brand-specific fonts (Vitesse or Gotham), photos, textures or shadow elements, AND meet any of the of the criteria below.

1. The materials will be professionally printed or used as a paid advertisement

2. The materials have a shelf life of longer than two (2) weeks

3. The piece will reach an external (non-UNM student, staff or faculty) audience or campus visitors

To submit your collateral for approval, go to brand.unm.eduUnder the Brand Support tab, choose Design Review to fill in the form and upload your collateral image.

*Please note: UCAM does not provide proofreading services. It is up to the collateral creator to proofread all content. UCAM is not responsible for errors found after production. Most collateral review submissions can expect a response within 2 business days. Multiple page documents may take up to 5 business days. 

  • 12
  • 03-Feb-2020