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Home > Web Communications > Cascade > Changing the Departmental NetID Password in Cascade
Changing the Departmental NetID Password in Cascade
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Did you recently change your departmental NetID password during the LoboMail switch? Have you been having problems with publishing? Do you click on publish and not see any changes on your site?  

The first thing to check is your messages on your dashboard (home).  Are you getting error messages when you publish? Check your messages on your home dashboard and look at your latest publish report. If you see an error in your messages and the error has "auth fail"in it somewhere, that means that the password has failed.Chances are, the departmental NetID password has changed and needs to be changed in the system.  

To update the password:

  1. Go to Administration from the blue menu bar and select Transports.
  2. Click on your Transport on the left hand side and click on the Edit tab.  
  3. Then put the correct password in the 2 password fields and click on submit.
  4. You can then test your transport before going to publish to make sure it is correct.  
  5. Do this by clicking on test transport in the left hand side above your transport.

Note: This is NOT your personal NetID.  This is the NetID that is tied to the website, usually the departmental NetID (the departmental e-mail address account). Please be sure you do not enter your own personal NetID into this field or it will NOT WORK.  The publishing username is the DEPARTMENTAL NetID.

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