A licensed vendor is a vendor who has become officially licensed with UNM’s licensing partner, CLC.
Names, initials, logos, and graphics associated with The University of New Mexico are all trademarks belonging to UNM. By law, these trademarks cannot be used commercially without the Licensing Director's permission. Here is a list of marks that are federally registered on behalf of The University of New Mexico.
UNM licenses the use of its marks to specific manufacturers, thereby controlling who uses them and for what purpose. Through licensing agreements, UNM ensures that only approved representations of UNM's marks appear before the public. Maintaining a consistent, recognizable image on quality products reinforces UNM's image of excellence, thereby adding value not only to retail products but to all services and products of the University.
Click here for more information: Lobos Licensing. A full list of licensed vendors is available on the Learfield Licensing website.
Several local and national companies are licensed to print promotional giveaway items for University departments. You can find this list on the UNM Brand Site.
For more information please go to the UNM Brand Site.