Oct 21, 2019
If you are an official university unit or department, you can request to advertise your university event or program utilizing the UNM Digital Sign Submission form. Additionally, you can submit your digital signs to the UNM SUB. Digital sign managers who are willing to accept content submissions from other departments are listed here. Posting content from other departments is at the discretion of the sign managers. The sign manager may or may not contact you regarding your submission. UNM departments and chartered student organizations can publicize and promote activities that create educational, career, cultural, creative or social opportunities for the UNM community. Individual departments may have policies in place for the type of content they are willing to accept.
Units might also be interested in utilizing banners at the UNM SUB. Visit the UNM SUB website to learn more.
On campus posters, chalking and fliers are also an option. There are specifications and policies in place for this type of advertising. You can read the posting policy here.
Your unit/department may qualify for posting to UNM’s primary social media. You can submit a posting request to UNM’s Social Media Manager.
Paid options for reaching the UNM campus are also available through outlets like The Daily Lobo.